The Science and Engineering Fair is something that we do every year as a class.
It provides the perfect context to learn about the scientific process. To think and operate like scientists.
With the technology component we often get to see some of our real problem solvers and designers come to the fore.
I have always found that there is a high degree of motivation and engagement from the students.

The Energy Skills Science Fair is a highly anticipated event that the students of Fitzroy School enthusiastically look forward to each year.
It’s an event that allows students the opportunity to develop and practice many different skills. These include communication skills, collaborative skills and perseverance, as well as analytical, reasoning and problem-solving skills.
It all culminates to the day of the fair which is a fantastic time where students are rewarded for all their hard work through the feedback they receive from their peers, teachers, organizers and judges.
Each year students always say the same thing after the event, “I can’t wait for the science fair next year!”.

We, at Green School, have found that the Taranaki Science and Engineering Fair is a wonderful way to get our middle and senior Primary learners engaged in their learning, and in the processes involved in conducting fair experiments or thoughtful and creative Engineering tasks.
Their project-based learning tasks allow learners to exercise choice and voice, manage their own time and progress, and reflect on what went well and what they could do better next time.
We have found that the projects also offer us an opportunity to connect with parents as together we support their learner’s passions, challenges, next steps, and successes.