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Project Guidelines

Engineering icon - Purple

Engineering Challenge – Solve the Problem

Engineering is all about seeing a problem and then engineering something to solve it. 

This year we want you to undertake any type of engineering challenge you want. 

Your project must be a problem that you have seen, that you tell us about and then solve using engineering! For example, the problem might be a large river that people cannot get across (so you might design and build a bridge) or it could be a problem of people needing to get somewhere faster (so you might design and build an airplane). 

Anything to do with engineering/building is acceptable.

Science icon - Green

Super Science Category

Create a science project that appeals to you and your learnings.

This project can be any type of science, just use your imagination!

Alongside your science project we would like you to create a poster/display board explaining your project.

Science Buddies website has some great ideas:

Nanogirl labs who we work with also has loads of fantastic free resources and information for both teachers and students

Costume icon - Purple

 Costume Category

Dress up as your favourite Science or Engineering character.

This is a category for 2024 that has 1st to 4th place prizes for the best character costume.

You must be entered into the fair under one of the Science or Engineering Challenge categories to participate in the Costume Category.

Ideas on How To Present your Project

Your Model

Your model could be photos or images of your experiment at home or what you your science/engineering project is about – it doesn’t have to be anything fancy or technical. In the past students have used lego or paper mache or designed solar panels from tin foil etc…. it really is just about having fun and learning.

Your Display Poster / Board / Devices

Your display poster can be anything you want – either on a A4 or A3 cardboard or on a science display board listing all the research and findings you have done for your project.  (We can provide you with a display board free of charge – just ask your school to contact us and we will get a bulk supply of boards to your school). You could also display your findings on a device or something similar rather than using an actual board.

Ideas on what to include on your display board

An Introduction

Explain what your project is about and why you are doing this particular project.

Question or Questions

Ask a question that relates to your topic.

Science especially is all about asking questions and providing answers – for example: what happens if I mix this with that? Or can I make energy from a gas from plants? How can wind power a boat? Can water/hydro energy power a car?

An Aim

It is good to provide an AIM – of what your aim and Goals are for this science project engineering challenge. What you hope to achieve or find out.

A Hypothesis (for science only)

Provide information on what you think will happen during your project or experiment and why.

Ingredients / materials and a Method

It is good to include what materials you need for your science experiment/engineerin g project and also how you go about conducting the project bit by bit. Or how you went about building your model or collecting your information.


What were the results. What happened when you conducted the experiment/project? Was it what you thought would happen? Did something happen that surprised you? Record what the results were.


A conclusion will be the overall discovery of what happened during your project. Tell us what you thought was most interesting and what you learnt.


Provide references to where you found the information, such as: Wikipedia or you mum and dad or a science magazine perhaps.

General Information

School Participation Awards

This award is for the school with the most participation in the Science and Engineering Fair. The following is taken into consideration:

  • Number of children/models entered/entries relative to the school overall student role.
  • Quality of entries
  • Complexity of models
  • In-depth information surrounding models and posters.
  • Commitment of teachers/parents and students to submit displays as entered.
  • Teacher/parent participation
Newcomer School Awards:
  • This award is for schools that have not been involved in the school before and is their first year entering. If there are several new schools the prize will be allocated to the school that has the most entries relative to the school overall student role.
Claims / Monetary Prize
  • In relation to the children being eligible for monetary prize, parent or guardian must authorise for monetary prizes to be collected via their school, if a is prize won. For the top prize categories, 70% of the prize goes directly to the participating students and 30% directly to the associated school.
  • All prizes awarded will be at the sole discretion of Energy Skills Aotearoa and reserve the right to withdraw any and all prizes.
  • All Children must attend the prizegiving to receive any prizes awarded unless prior arrangements have been made with Energy Skills Aotearoa.
  • Payments for prizes will be provided to the schools and students can collect their monetary prizes from their school.
Conditions of entry
  • Exhibitors should complete the entry form online before 20 October.
  • All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor/s only, however advice may be sought from different sources such as parents/caregivers.  The major construction must be the exhibitors. All assistance you receive must be clearly acknowledged on the exhibit.
Set up of Exhibits:
  • Exhibitors or their caregivers/teachers may set up their exhibits on the 6 November from 7.30am – 12.30pm.
  • Judging will take place from 1pm to 3.30pm.
  • Exhibits must be removed by Thursday 7 November by 4pm after presentation//awards have
  • been presented. Uncollected displays may be disposed of.
  • Late entries may be accepted and shall be at the discretion of Energy Skills Aotearoa.
Rules for Exhibits / Exhibitors:
  • Science displays and models must not exceed the dimensions of 80cm Tall, 60cm in width and 55cm in depth.
  • Engineering challenge – models must not be bigger than 1m tall, 80 cm width and 60cm width.
  • Displays may be presented on Display boards, Laptops and Tablets.
  • Displays must be safe, self-contained, complete and stable with no part attached to the floor wall or table. Moveable parts must be firmly attached.
  • It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure that all valuable parts are securely attached or able to be removed by the exhibitor for safekeeping when the exhibit is left unattended and will be at the exhibitor’s own risk.
  • All display areas must be kept tidy and clean at all times.
  • No personal information or names are to be present on the display you will be allocated a number.
  • Students may work in teams of up to 4 people per Display board entry .
  • No gas supply is available and use of gas is only permitted at the prior approval of Energy Skill NZ.
  • All electrical equipment must be safe and voltages over 50 volts must have all wires completely and securely enclosed by non-conducting materials to prevent any possibility of an observing person receiving an electrical shock. There is NO power points/sources provided at the venue.
  • Fire safety must be observed at all times. Heating sources must be mounted on a suitable surface/support and be non-combustible, so that there is absolutely NO possibility of fire.
  • All exhibits using liquids of any kind must stand in a leak proof tray. Exhibitors must have cloths etc at hand to wipe up and remove any spills.
  • No direct water supply is available. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that the area immediately surrounding their exhibit is kept safe, clean, dry and tidy at all times.
General rules:
  • All decisions relating to judging, prizes, awards and the matters concerning the Science Fair will be at the sole discretion of Energy Skills NZ and will be final.
  • Where judges are unable to reach a decision surrounding the criteria or in the event of a tie, the final decision will be at the sole discretion of Energy Skills NZ.
  • Energy Skills NZ will not be held responsible for any loss or damages to exhibits, although the utmost care will be taken.

As entrants for the Science Fair, you agree to Energy Skills Aotearoa and their associates connected to the Science Fair to use photographs and videos taken at the event for advertising and in any media coverage.

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